29 April 2010 11:38

Dear Joseph Walton,

During watching:

He asks for the use of original words and says FUCK in the same sentence. It this a real original. We could set up our own this is not real is it. We can do this. And now I will drink whiskey in front of a flag and read a poem. Cameron. Like. From. a scaled and light and whinced. This is princes. Are this princes. is no wisdom here. I. I. I. looking at me. This is about inhalation. This now non. Poetic reaction. A political statement of drinking Jameson and coca cola. There is Irish here. There is American here. There are objects which forge against his flag. This context. The present is not one which should wear shorts. A monologue. A tall monologue and on a leather chair. Skin may stick. Tori. Tori. Tori. And wearing skirt. Tartan. Is this an attempt at inclusiveness. Closeness. Blood. Concern over blood. Under. Bead. Wrong. We have begun to survey the pussy. Conceptual. Again a music. Mention of commodity. In commodity. Ode to this commodity. Thieves. Fisted. Transported from a slumber to a tech. plus a plus and re- power of a more usual rhythm. Flag out of view. Colour remains. Body block object. camera. Wearing pre- pre- pre- a notion of
a jaw and a flying toward. This a zombie. You faded dropped in and quiet. Closeness. Sourced. Closeness. Relentless slower. Moving. Surveillance black leather. Speaking as lets. We. Natured. Flexed. We ideology. A ghosted pussy again. She not a he is not here. She a blood. Refer to muslim. To Africa. To inclusion. Flagged.

Not to everyone’s taste

My very best

Mary Ellen

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